Sugar Bay Covid-19 Safety Protocols
Now, more than ever, learners need a safe place where they can escape current emotional, physical, social and technological pressures. Sugar Bay re-opened in December 2020 (after a 10-month break when we had time to upgrade our swimming pool, water slides, bathrooms and more and also to prepare our venues and train our staff in all the Covid-19 protocols). Even with all the new safety measures, these holiday camps were incredibly successful and many children said that these camps were amongst the most valued experiences of their lives.
At Sugar Bay, every child’s health and safety have always been and will continue to be our number one priority.
We will do everything in our power to protect your child emotionally as well as physically. We have always had very strict hygiene and safety protocols in place to reduce the risk of infections at camp. With the new Covid-19 regulations, these have been expanded so we can ensure the safety and well-being of all our staff and guests:
Outdoor Natural Location: Sugar Bay is located in Zinkwazi Beach: a very private, secluded, rural location, with lots of fresh air, long golden beaches, clean water and plenty of sunshine. It is one of the safest destinations for protection from exposure to people and pathogens. Similar to studies done after the Spanish Flu of 1920, research is now showing fresh air and sunshine to be one of the most effective measures to curb the spread of the virus. Most camp activities take place outdoors, in small groups, with plenty of fresh air and ventilation and very little chance of viral transmission.
Food Preparation: All kitchen staff has received comprehensive training in Covid-19 regulations, including strict sanitisation protocols and the compulsory wearing of clean kitchen attire, headgear and masks which cover their mouths and noses.
Closed Campus: We understand that some parents, particularly those with high-risk children who are not back at school, feel it's better to stay at home. However, for those parents whose children are traveling to school every day, the camp is probably safer than school as your child will not be exposed to daily pathogens through travel, extramural activities and town living. We are an isolated, self-sufficient resort, more than 40kms away from the nearest town. All our counselors are screened for Covid-19 before arrival and stay on-site. We use our own in-house instructors and use no external trainers, including our own lifeguards and we operate a private ocean swimming area.
Visitors: Campers receive no contact with the public: Sugar Bay is a closed campus, with no visitors allowed; we have very few suppliers; the few suppliers that we have to use a separate entrance ensuring no camper contact and enter under strict sterile conditions with compulsory sanitisation, temperature checks and Covid-19 pre-screening.
Stringent monitoring: All our counselors and managers have been trained in Covid-19 protocols. With our high counselor: camper ratio and 24-hour supervision, our counselors are in a unique position to ensure continual adherence to Covid-19 protocols and to monitor the health of every camper at all times. Activities are programmed in small groups to ensure maximum safety and supervision.
Daily temperature measurement: Every person at Sugar Bay (staff, visitors, teachers and campers) undergoes a daily measurement of their temperature with our non-contact temperature scanners and health check by our on-site nursing sister.
Health care facilities: Should a child fall ill during the course of the camp, we have a professionally designed and equipped Health Centre, run by a qualified nurse, fully equipped to deal with routine medical care and administer all medication. Campers who show signs of illness are taken to the Health Centre immediately. We can isolate any unwell campers in one of our three isolation rooms and we have a doctor on call 24 hours a day. The nearest private hospital is only 20 minutes away.
General Hygiene: Campers will be (as they have always been) reminded to wash their hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizer after using the bathroom, before every meal and regularly throughout the day.
Sanitisation: We follow strict sanitation procedures. Our housekeeping team cleans and disinfects all the areas of our resort thoroughly and daily. The focus is on surfaces that are frequently touched. We have fixed dedicated hand sanitation stations and have stringent sanitation practices for all our equipment and activities.
PPE and Social Distancing: Students and staff are all required to wear masks that cover the nose and mouth at all times and observe correct social distancing protocols. Students are required to bring masks (one per day) and sanitizer to camp. Parents must ensure that their child brings everything on the packing list as children are not permitted to share personal belongings, such as hairbrushes, pillows, caps, toothbrushes and water bottles.
Before arrival: We request that all families, fourteen days before the tour, stay particularly vigilant about following all mandated Covid-19 protocols including no social gatherings, social distancing, mask-wearing, regularly washing of hands and surfaces to ensure they all arrive healthily and without undue exposure to pathogens.
Covid-19 pre-screening: All parents are required to complete and sign a current Sugar Bay Covid-19 Declaration form within 3 days before arrival. Any students who are suffering, or have been exposed to Covid-19 in their home or elsewhere, are not permitted to join the tour, for the protection of everyone else. Students who are quarantined due to a Covid-19 exposure will be refunded in full.
Update: Regular assessment of the situation will continue over the next few months and we will continue to ensure that we adhere to all necessary laws and guidelines as amended by the government from time-to-time.
We have many many more safety measures in place, as laid down by the American Camping Association, to ensure your child’s physical and emotional safety at all times.
Please contact us on 032 485 3778 or holidays@sugarbay.co.za should you require any more information.
It is very important to us that, when your child is in our care, you can relax in the knowledge that your children will be safe and healthy but will still be having a great time. Many of our recent campers have said that, despite all the new protocols, these camps have been one of the best experiences of their lives. We believe that this is because kids now, more than ever before, need a break from current emotional and physical stresses and screen-saturation. And parents too, deserve a break from the daily stress of ensuring their children are safe and not exposed to needless pathogens and risks. When your kids are in our care, you can relax and know that your children are safe, happy and experiencing numerous physical, social and emotional benefits.
There is no better time or place for your child to relax, reboot and unwind and escape the emotional stresses and technology overload of the last year. We can’t wait to welcome your child to camp! If you have any concerns or special requests please do not hesitate to contact on 032 4853778 or holidays@sugarbay.co.za.
Click Here to download a PDF version of our COVID-19 safety protocols.